


On May 25, 2002 Jay and Katryna became the Twilbecks . . .

. . . as time has gone on we are now . . .

The Four Twilbecks

Jay, Katryna, Brianna, and Chris.

Feel free to read and/or follow our page!

November 12, 2014

Trying something new!

Well, it should be quite obvious to anyone who looks at this page that I don't really post much on it. As of right now, I intend to fix that. So. . . . . . here goes!

Weekly update for November 12, 2014.
Things are well. Since the last post we've all grown older and wiser. The kids are getting bigger by the minute. It's shocking to look at pictures from several years ago and realize how long it has been and how fast our kids are growing up.

Anyway, here's some pictures since last year - just for the fun of it!
Charlie (newest addition) and Chloe

Post-Zoo snacks in New Orleans this past summer

Look for more next week!